Code of Conduct

Section XVI: Dissemination and review

The Board of Education will work to ensure that the community is aware of this Code of Conduct by:

  1. Providing copies of a full Code of Conduct to all students at the beginning of each school year.
  2. Making copies of the Code of Conduct available to all parents/ guardians at the beginning of the school year.
  3. Mailing a full of the Code of Conduct to all parents/guardians of district students before the beginning of the school year and making this copy available later upon request.
  4. Providing all current teachers and other staff members with a copy of the Code of Conduct and a copy of any amendments to the Code of Conduct as soon as practicable after adoption via an online link.
  5. Providing all new employees with a copy of the current Code of Conduct when they are first hired.
  6. Making copies of the Code of Conduct available for review by students, parents/guardians and other community members.

The district will sponsor a professional development program for all district staff members to ensure the effective implementation of the Code of Conduct. The superintendent may solicit the recommendations of the district staff, particularly teachers and administrators, regarding in-service programs pertaining to the management and discipline of students. Ongoing professional development will be included in the district’s professional development plan, as needed.