Celebrate a school counselor!

National School Counseling Week, Feb. 5-9, School Counseling, Standards-Based, Student-Focused

Make it a point to thank and appreciate a school counselor this week!

Feb. 5-9 is National School Counseling Week, a time where we recognize and celebrate the work our school counselors do for our students and families every day.

School counselors provide academic guidance to students and much, much more.  They are a vital part of the social-emotional support team at school. They promote access and equity. They advise, inform, direct and comfort hundreds of students, helping them plan and set goals for life after graduation. 

School counselors are cheerleaders and advocates, connecting students with supports and services they need to succeed.

When the career track began more than 100 years ago, it was called “vocation guidance.” It has evolved to today’s school counselor, a highly educated and professionally certified person whose work literally changes the lives of young people they serve.

National School Counseling Week is sponsored by the American School Counselor Association. It is observed in February every year.